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Could not resolve matching constructor (hint: specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type ambiguities)




Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type [java.lang.String]:     Ambiguous constructor argument types - did you specify the correct bean references as constructor arguments?

        jedis 2.7.2中的JedisShardInfo提供了以下几个构造方法



public JedisShardInfo(String host)    public JedisShardInfo(String host, String name)     public JedisShardInfo(String host, int port)    public JedisShardInfo(String host, int port, String name)    public JedisShardInfo(String host, int port, int timeout)           public JedisShardInfo(String host, int port, int timeout, String name)        public JedisShardInfo(String host, int port, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, int weight)    public JedisShardInfo(String host, String name, int port, int timeout, int weight)    public JedisShardInfo(URI uri)



  • redis.properties配置内容如下


#IPredis.host=客户端请求超时时间,单位毫秒redis.timeout=20000#访问密码,默认没有密码redis.password=#默认的数据库索引号redis.database=0#是否使用池redis.usePool=true    #jedis的pool最多可管理的jedis实例redis.pool.maxTotal=1024  #最大的空闲jedis实例redis.pool.maxIdle=200    #最小空闲jedis实例redis.pool.minIdle=0#当池内没有返回对象时,最大等待时间,设置为10sredis.pool.maxWaitMillis=10000 #当调用borrow Object方法时,是否进行有效性检查redis.pool.testOnBorrow=true#当调用return Object方法时,是否进行有效性检查redis.pool.testOnReturn=true#testWhileIdle:如果为true,表示有一个idle object evitor线程对idle object进行扫描,如果validate失败,此object会被从pool中drop掉;#这一项只有在timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis大于0时才有意义;redis.pool.testWhileIdle=true#表示一个对象至少停留在idle状态的最短时间,然后才能被idle object evitor扫描并驱逐;#这一项只有在timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis大于0时才有意义;redis.pool.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000#表示idle object evitor每次扫描的最多的对象数redis.pool.numTestsPerEvictionRun=3#表示idle object evitor两次扫描之间要sleep的毫秒数redis.pool.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000

       我的jedis版本为2.7.2,因此网上的很多maxactive和maxwait参数已经改为maxtotal和maxWaitMillis。同时jedis 2.7.2使用的是commom-pool 2版本。common-pool2的一些方法已经改变。




/** * key = product:module:identity * */public class Redis {    private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Redis.class);	    private static ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool;        private ShardedJedis shardedJedis;        static{		if(shardedJedisPool == null){			ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:setup/applicationContext.xml");			shardedJedisPool = (ShardedJedisPool) context.getBean("shardedJedisPool");					}    	    }	/*获取sharedJedis对象*/    private void getResource(){    	shardedJedis = shardedJedisPool.getResource();    	logger.info("__________________获取sharedJedis");    }        /*释放sharedJedis对象*/    private void returnResource(){    	shardedJedisPool.returnResourceObject(shardedJedis);        	logger.info("__________________释放sharedJedis");    }        /*判断是否存在*/    private boolean existsKey(String key){    	if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){ 	    		return shardedJedis.exists(key);    	}else{    		return false;    	}    }        /*设置value*/    public void setValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				shardedJedis.set(key, value);			}else{				/*若key不存在,则插入该key记录*/				shardedJedis.setnx(key,  value);							}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*key中追加value值*/    public void appendValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				shardedJedis.append(key, value);			}else{				shardedJedis.setnx(key, value);			}    		    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*设定含有有效期限的value,单位为秒*/    public void setexValue(String key, String value, int exprise){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.setex(key, exprise, value);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*读取value*/    public String getValue(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			return shardedJedis.get(key);    		}else{    			return null;    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /**获取并修改value*/    public String getSetValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				return shardedJedis.getSet(key, value);			}else{				setValue(key, value);			}							return null;    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*截取指定长度的字符串*/    public String getRangeValue(String key, int start, int end){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			return shardedJedis.getrange(key, start, end);    		}else{    			return null;    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*删除value*/    public void deleteValue(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.del(key);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*list添加元素*/    public void pushListItem(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.lpush(key, value);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*设置list的元素值*/    public void setListItem(String key, int index, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		shardedJedis.lset(key, index, value);    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*返回list长度*/    public Long getListSize(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				return shardedJedis.llen(key);			}    		    		return (long) 0;    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return (long) 0;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*返回排序过的list*/    public List
getSortList(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.sort(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回指定范围的list*/ public List
getListItemRange(String key, int start, int end){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lrange(key, start, end); }else{ return null; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回list指定索引的item的值*/ public String getListItemValue(String key, int index){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lindex("lists", index); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回list指定范围的list*/ public List
getListRangeItems(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lrange(key, 0, -1); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除list的值为value的item*/ public void delListItem(String key, int index, String value){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ shardedJedis.lrem(key, 1, value); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除list指定范围以外的item*/ public void deleteListRange(String key, int start, int end){ try{ getResource(); shardedJedis.ltrim(key, start, end); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*list第一个item出栈, 并返回该item*/ public String getListPopItem(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lpop(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*设置hashmap*/ public void setMapItem(String key, HashMap
map){ try{ getResource(); if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){ shardedJedis.hmset(key, map); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap的键个数*/ public Long getMapLength(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hlen(key); } return (long) 0; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return (long) 0; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap中的所有key*/ public Set
getMapAllKeys(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hkeys(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap中的所有value*/ public List
getMapAllValues(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hvals(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*获取hashmap*/ public List
getMapItem(String key, String... fields){ try{ getResource(); return shardedJedis.hmget(key, fields); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除map中item*/ public void deleteMapItem(String key, String itemKey){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ shardedJedis.hdel(key, itemKey); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*事务*/ /*管道*/ /*管道中事物*/}



Redis redis = new Redis();        redis.setValue("foo", "look here");                        System.out.println("____________value="+ redis.getValue("foo"));        redis.deleteValue("foo");


  • 通过注入方式实现



/** * key = product:module:identity * */@Componentpublic class Redis {	private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Redis.class);		/*配置bean,通过注入方式获取切片连接池*/	@Resource(name="shardedJedisPool")        private  ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool;        /**	 * @return the shardedJedisPool	 */	public ShardedJedisPool getShardedJedisPool() {		return shardedJedisPool;	}	/**	 * @param shardedJedisPool the shardedJedisPool to set	 */	public void setShardedJedisPool(ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool) {		this.shardedJedisPool = shardedJedisPool;	}	/**	 * @return the shardedJedis	 */	public ShardedJedis getShardedJedis() {		return shardedJedis;	}	/**	 * @param shardedJedis the shardedJedis to set	 */	public void setShardedJedis(ShardedJedis shardedJedis) {		this.shardedJedis = shardedJedis;	}	private ShardedJedis shardedJedis;        /*获取sharedJedis对象*/    private void getResource(){    	shardedJedis = shardedJedisPool.getResource();    	logger.info("__________________获取sharedJedis");    }        /*释放sharedJedis对象*/    private void returnResource(){    	shardedJedisPool.returnResourceObject(shardedJedis);        	logger.info("__________________释放sharedJedis");    }        /*判断是否存在*/    private boolean existsKey(String key){    	if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){ 	    		return shardedJedis.exists(key);    	}else{    		return false;    	}    }        /*设置value*/    public void setValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				shardedJedis.set(key, value);			}else{				/*若key不存在,则插入该key记录*/				shardedJedis.setnx(key,  value);							}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*key中追加value值*/    public void appendValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				shardedJedis.append(key, value);			}else{				shardedJedis.setnx(key, value);			}    		    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*设定含有有效期限的value,单位为秒*/    public void setexValue(String key, String value, int exprise){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.setex(key, exprise, value);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*读取value*/    public String getValue(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			return shardedJedis.get(key);    		}else{    			return null;    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /**获取并修改value*/    public String getSetValue(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				return shardedJedis.getSet(key, value);			}else{				setValue(key, value);			}							return null;    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*截取指定长度的字符串*/    public String getRangeValue(String key, int start, int end){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			return shardedJedis.getrange(key, start, end);    		}else{    			return null;    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return null;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*删除value*/    public void deleteValue(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.del(key);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*list添加元素*/    public void pushListItem(String key, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){    			shardedJedis.lpush(key, value);    		}    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*设置list的元素值*/    public void setListItem(String key, int index, String value){    	try{    		getResource();    		    		shardedJedis.lset(key, index, value);    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*返回list长度*/    public Long getListSize(String key){    	try{    		getResource();    					if(existsKey(key)){				return shardedJedis.llen(key);			}    		    		return (long) 0;    	}catch(Exception e){    		e.printStackTrace();    		return (long) 0;    	}finally{    		returnResource();    	}    }        /*返回排序过的list*/    public List
getSortList(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.sort(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回指定范围的list*/ public List
getListItemRange(String key, int start, int end){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lrange(key, start, end); }else{ return null; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回list指定索引的item的值*/ public String getListItemValue(String key, int index){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lindex("lists", index); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回list指定范围的list*/ public List
getListRangeItems(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lrange(key, 0, -1); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除list的值为value的item*/ public void delListItem(String key, int index, String value){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ shardedJedis.lrem(key, 1, value); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除list指定范围以外的item*/ public void deleteListRange(String key, int start, int end){ try{ getResource(); shardedJedis.ltrim(key, start, end); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*list第一个item出栈, 并返回该item*/ public String getListPopItem(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.lpop(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*设置hashmap*/ public void setMapItem(String key, HashMap
map){ try{ getResource(); if(key != null && key.trim().length() > 0){ shardedJedis.hmset(key, map); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap的键个数*/ public Long getMapLength(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hlen(key); } return (long) 0; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return (long) 0; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap中的所有key*/ public Set
getMapAllKeys(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hkeys(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*返回hashmap中的所有value*/ public List
getMapAllValues(String key){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ return shardedJedis.hvals(key); } return null; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*获取hashmap*/ public List
getMapItem(String key, String... fields){ try{ getResource(); return shardedJedis.hmget(key, fields); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*删除map中item*/ public void deleteMapItem(String key, String itemKey){ try{ getResource(); if(existsKey(key)){ shardedJedis.hdel(key, itemKey); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ returnResource(); } } /*事务*/ /*管道*/ /*管道中事物*/}




@Resource	Redis redis;        redis.setValue("foo", "look here");                        System.out.println("____________value="+ redis.getValue("foo"));        redis.deleteValue("foo");







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